Moving to the UAE with Family: A Comprehensive Guide

Moving to the UAE with Family

Moving to the UAE with your family can be a pivotal moment in your life, opening up new opportunities and prospects. However, without proper preparation, this decision could instead create additional challenges for you and your family.

In this article, we will explore some key legal aspects that are crucial to ensure a smooth relocation and adaptation process.

Benefits of Moving to the UAE 

Many families choose to move to the UAE to take advantage of the numerous benefits the country offers its residents. Here are just a few:

Advantage Comment
Employment and Business Opportunities The Emirates, especially Dubai and Abu Dhabi, are international hubs for business and trade. For those not wishing to start their own business, employment prospects are not limited to international companies and banks. While in the UAE, one can continue to work remotely for a foreign company or work with various clients as a freelancer.
Tax Benefits The UAE has a favourable tax regime. Specifically, if you are employed under a contract, your income from employment is not taxed. Taxes must be paid under certain conditions when conducting business activities.
Safety and Stability The UAE is considered one of the safest countries in the world. It has a low crime rate, and the government takes measures to maintain public order and safety, which is particularly important when living in the UAE with family and children.
High-Quality Education and Healthcare The opportunity to access world-class education and healthcare levels are significant factors that can influence the decision to move to the UAE with family. The UAE hosts numerous international schools and universities offering world-class education. Healthcare in the UAE also stands out for its high quality and is continuously evolving with the latest scientific achievements.
Modern Infrastructure

The comfort and convenience of life in the UAE are also ensured by its developed infrastructure:

  • Modern roads
  • Convenient transport systems
  • High-speed internet
  • Advanced telecommunications network

Obtaining a UAE Residency Visa 

Once the final decision to move to the UAE with your family has been made, it is essential to familiarize yourself with the visa procedures for relocation. To reside in the Emirates, one must become a UAE resident. Generally, residency visas can be categorized as follows:

Type of Visa Validity Period
Regular Visas With a validity of 2 years (e.g., employee visa) or 5 years (e.g., freelancer visa in Dubai).
Privileged or Golden Visas of the UAE Typically valid for 10 years (e.g., with significant real estate investments or outstanding achievements in certain fields).

The basis for obtaining a residency visa depends on individual circumstances and opportunities. The UAE offers various programs for obtaining residency visas, including:

It is important to note that individuals who have obtained a residency visa can sponsor their family members to also receive such a visa.

Sponsorship Resident Category and Requirements

UAE visa legislation provides for a category known as sponsorship residents, i.e., foreign nationals who have obtained a UAE residency visa for themselves and can pay for their family members’ stay in the UAE. In other words, they can sponsor their closest relatives.

To sponsor family members, individuals must meet two main requirements:

  • Have a valid residency visa or residence permit
  • Have a monthly income, the required amount of which depends on the category of sponsored relatives

Sponsors can support the following categories of closest relatives:

Family Member Sponsorship Features
Spouse To sponsor a spouse, it is necessary to confirm marital status by presenting a marriage certificate translated into Arabic and legalized. The monthly income must be at least 4,000 dirhams or 3,000 dirhams if housing is provided. A woman can also sponsor the family, but additional requirements must be met.
Children Sponsorship is possible for:
  • Sons up to the age of 25
  • Unmarried daughters without age restriction
  • Children with special needs without age restriction
The monthly income must be 4,000 dirhams or 3,000 dirhams if housing is provided. Special conditions are provided for sponsoring adopted children.
Parents Parents can be sponsored under the following conditions:
  • A security deposit must be made for each parent, the amount of which is set by the relevant migration department.
  • Both parents must be sponsored simultaneously unless they are divorced or one has deceased, which must be documented.
  • In some cases, it may be necessary to prove that the resident sponsor is the only one who can support the parents.
Additional income requirements apply when sponsoring parents. For instance, the Dubai Department of Naturalisation and Residency sets a minimum threshold of 20,000 dirhams.

Family members over 18 must undergo a medical examination at approved medical centres. Individuals found unfit for health reasons will not be granted a residency visa.

Spouses and children receive a visa for the same duration as the main applicant. Parents’ visas are typically issued for 1 year with the possibility of renewal.

Key Documents for Family Visa Application and Legalisation Requirements 

To apply for a family visa, the following documents are required:

  • Copy of the sponsor’s passport and residency visa
  • Emirates ID of the sponsor
  • Copy of the family member’s passport and photograph for whom the visa is being applied
  • Documents proving kinship: birth certificate or marriage certificate
  • Documents proving the sponsor’s income, such as an income certificate prepared by the employer
  • Documents proving the sponsor’s ownership or rental of housing

Official documents issued in another country must be legalized to have legal force in the UAE. Uniwide provides comprehensive services for the legalisation of documents in the UAE, aimed at both exporting documents for use abroad and attesting foreign documents for use within the Emirates.

The complete document package must be submitted to a specialized centre. After that, family members will be issued an electronic entry permit within approximately 5 days. If family members are already in the UAE, their stay status must be changed.

After entering the country or changing status, family members must also:

  • Undergo a medical examination (except for children under 18)
  • Apply for a residency visa
  • Submit fingerprints
  • Apply for an Emirates ID

Life in the UAE

UAE legislation is a combination of Sharia principles and non-religious norms regulating civil and commercial relations, as well as entrepreneurial activity in the UAE. In 2020-2021, legislative reforms were carried out in the UAE aimed at liberalizing some aspects of social life and criminal law.

Regulatory Sphere Comments
Alcohol Consumption As is known, the UAE has strict rules regarding the consumption of alcoholic beverages. In 2020, the penalty for consuming and selling alcohol to individuals over the age of 21 in specially approved places was abolished. However, each Emirate independently regulates the consumption, storage, and sale of alcoholic beverages and may set additional requirements. For instance, residents in Dubai are required to obtain a license to purchase and consume alcoholic beverages.
Cohabitation of Unmarried Individuals Criminal liability for cohabitation of unmarried individuals has been abolished. These norms apply only to foreign residents.
Divorce Proceedings Individuals wishing to divorce can do so in accordance with the legislation of the country where the marriage was concluded. These norms also apply only to foreign residents.
Expansion of Women’s Rights For example, punishment for public insult to women has been introduced; norms about equal pay for work of equal value have been adopted.

In addition, a number of changes have been made to:

  • Labour legislation
  • Commercial companies legislation
  • Bankruptcy legislation
  • Trademark legislation
  • Criminal procedure and civil procedure legislation

Overall, these changes reflect the country’s efforts to modernize and adapt to international standards, as well as efforts to attract foreign investors and tourists.

Healthcare System in the UAE 

The opportunity to receive high-quality medical services also attracts foreigners to the UAE. The UAE government is interested in developing this sector and for this purpose:

  • Equips hospitals with modern equipment
  • Ensures the quality of medical services in accordance with international standards
  • Implements artificial intelligence
  • Invites qualified foreign doctors
  • Attracts investments in the healthcare sector
  • Develops medical tourism

In some emirates, such as Dubai and Abu Dhabi, medical districts (such as Dubai Healthcare City) are located, which house hospitals, specialized clinics, and rehabilitation centres.

Healthcare in the UAE is paid, except for emergency care, which is provided free of charge. However, subsequent treatment, if required, must be paid for.

Having medical insurance is mandatory in Abu Dhabi and Dubai. From 2025, corresponding norms are planned to be introduced for the other emirates. If there are employment relations, insurance is usually provided by the employer. Entrepreneurs, self-employed individuals, and residents not in employment relations are required to insure themselves independently.

When choosing insurance, it is necessary to familiarize oneself with the list of clinics with which the insurance company has a contract, as medical services will need to be obtained from such clinics.

Education in the UAE 

Education of children is an important aspect to consider when deciding to move to the UAE with family.

Education in public schools in the UAE is conducted in Arabic and is free for citizens of the country. Foreign residents can choose a school for their children from a large number of private schools, where curricula and languages of instruction may vary. In general, private schools are divided into:

School Category Features
Local Schools Conduct education in Arabic and generally adhere to the curriculum approved by the UAE Ministry of Education.
International Schools May conduct education in various languages and follow educational models adopted in other countries, such as the United Kingdom, France, India, and so on.

Education in private schools, as well as attendance at private kindergartens, is paid. The cost varies significantly depending on the chosen institution and can range from 2,700 dirhams (for kindergartens) to 70,000 dirhams (for middle schools) per year.


Moving to the UAE with family is a serious decision that requires thorough preparation and attention to many aspects. The UAE offers a high standard of living, a favourable climate, and numerous opportunities for professional and personal development. However, to ensure that the move and adaptation process goes as smoothly as possible, it is necessary to:

  • Familiarize oneself with visa procedures and requirements for obtaining residency visas in advance
  • Consider the high cost of living in the UAE and plan expenses for housing, education, medical services, and other everyday needs in advance
  • Take into account the cultural features of the country, which may require a lengthy adaptation period

Thus, preparing for the move, taking into account financial and legal issues, will help make this process smoother and more comfortable.

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