JAFZA Free Zone, Dubai

Our company collaborates with JAFZA, one of Dubai’s premier free zones, known for its strategic location and comprehensive business solutions. The information provided about JAFZA free zone is for informational purposes only and may be subject to changes as per the latest regulations and business conditions.

Name and Website

Jebel Ali Free Zone (JAFZA); www.jafza.ae/

General Information

Jebel Ali free zone in Dubai is historically the first (founded in 1985) and the largest trade, production and logistics territory. JAFZA offers plots of land, warehousing, office and residential facilities and retail outlets.

Today, the free zone is home to more than 10,000 businesses from more than 150 countries.


A multi-purpose free zone.

Almost any activity, including commodities, manufacturing, logistics, services and others, is available. JAFZA’s business activities list follows the Dubai Department of Economy and Tourism common list.

Registering Authority

Jebel Ali Free Zone Authority

Company Regulations

Companies’ affairs are governed by Jebel Ali Free Zone Rules 2023 and Company Implementing Regulations 2016.

Types of Licenses
  • Trading license (export, import and distribution of goods specified in the license);
  • General trading license (a more comprehensive range of goods and activities);
  • Service license (provision of services specified in the license);
  • Industrial license (includes importation of raw materials, manufacturing and further export of goods);
  • Logistics license (provision of logistics services, including storage, transportation, forwarding, inventory management, etc.);
  • E-commerce license.
Forms of Companies
  • FZE (Free Zone Establishment) with a sole shareholder;
  • FZCO (Free Zone Company) with several shareholders from 2 to 50;
  • PLC (Public Listed Company);
  • Branch (a branch of any company incorporated outside JAFZA).

As a separate option, JAFZA offers offshore companies, which are not free zone companies.

Company Name

The desired company name must be approved by the Registrar and must not violate intellectual property rights or any other laws of the UAE.

Share Capital

The share capital of the FZE or FZCO must be sufficient to carry out the activities permitted by the license.

Foreign shareholders may own 100% of the company’s shares.


The director manages the company, except for issues within the competence of the general meeting.

FZE or FZCO must have at least one director.


The manager is responsible for the company’s day-to-day operations. Any person can be appointed as a manager, including from among the directors or shareholders.


A company is required to have a secretary.

Physical Office

The company must have a physical office in the free zone that corresponds to its activity and meets JAFZA’s requirements.

The minimum office requirement is to have a rented workspace.

Financial Statements and Audit

A company must prepare and file audited financial statements. The auditor must be approved by JAFZA.

Taxation of Profits

Companies in JAFZA that are “qualifying free zone persons” can enjoy a zero corporate tax rate on their “qualifying” income.

Annual Renewal

Starting in its second year of existence, the company pays free zone fees for license and immigration card renewal.

The company’s annual expenses also include office lease renewals, residence visas (as they expire), and corporate service provider fees.


The free zone allows inward re-domiciliation. A company from a foreign jurisdiction may continue in JAFZA as a free zone company.

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