Due to natural disasters that occurred in Caribbean countries in September 2017 the authorities of Saint Kitts and Nevis had established a new program of donations that entitle to obtain citizenship.
In order to obtain passport of citizen of Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis any person can apply for new program of local authorities that include donations to Hurricane Relief Investment Fund, HRF. The applicant will have to provide such non-refundable contribution not later than 30 March 2018 as well as pay some additional fees.
For one person the amount to be donated is 150 000 US dollars, also applicant may include his\her spouse and 2 dependents in the application without changing of price. If applicant includes additional dependents to the application, he/she will have to pay extra 25 000 US dollars for each person. Additional fees for Due Diligence procedure remain the same that have been before this program: 7 500 US dollars for applicant and 4 500 for each dependent under the age of 16.
We remind that previously there were only 2 programs of citizenship by investment in Saint Kitts and Nevis: investment in Sugar Industry Diversification Foundation (SIDF) of amount not less than 250 000 US dollars and purchase of real estate that costs not less than 400 000 US dollars.