Changes in the tax system of Latvia
Prior to the introduction of the tax reform in Latvia, companies, reinvesting profits back into business, were required to pay the corporate income tax at
Prior to the introduction of the tax reform in Latvia, companies, reinvesting profits back into business, were required to pay the corporate income tax at
Almost all countries with normal taxation have their own lists of tax-free territories (so-called ‘offshore’ jurisdictions). The main purpose of such blacklists is to prevent
Shifting of emphasis to non-offshore jurisdictions when using non-resident structures is one of the trends in the international tax planning of recent time. Companies registered
The Regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers of Latvia No. 276 of 26 June 2001 “Terms on low-tax and tax-free countries or territories” contains the
The Latvian Saeima has amended the procedure for renewal of temporary residence permit obtained through investment (effective from 1 July 2016). The main change is
On May 11, 2016 the member countries of Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) agreed to invite Latvia to become a member of the